Switch to Light Mode

Poly Bridge 3 Lua API

Unofficial API documentation for the official Poly Bridge 3 Lua API. Automatically generated from the Lua code library.

Bridge functions


nil BreakEdge(id: string)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds


number GetBridgeEdgeAngle(id: string)

Returns the angle of the edge

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds


string[] GetBridgeEdgeIds()

Returns a list of id strings for all currently active bridge edges(List)


string[] GetBridgeEdgeIdsSelected()

Returns a list of id strings for all edges that are currently selected(List)

Return Type Comment
edgeIds string[] list of id strings for all edges that are currently selected


boolean GetBridgeEdgeIsBroken(id: string)

Returns true if the edge is broken, or false if it isn't

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds


boolean GetBridgeEdgeIsPrebuilt(id: string)

Returns true if the edge is prebuilt, or false if it isn't

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds()
Return Type Comment
isPrebuilt boolean true if the edge is prebuilt, or false if it isn't


string[] GetBridgeEdgeJoints(id: string)

Returns a list of id strings representing the two joints this edge is connected to (List)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds


number GetBridgeEdgeLength(id: string)

Returns the length of the edge

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds


string GetBridgeEdgeMaterial(id: string)

Returns the material name of the edge, see appendix for valid material names

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds


Vec3 GetBridgeEdgePosition(id: string)

Returns the current game world position of the bridge edge as a float list of length 3 (corresponding to x, y, and z position) (List)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the bridge edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds()


number GetBridgeEdgeStressNormalized(id: string)

Returns the current normalized stress of the edge (float)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds()


number GetBridgeEdgeStressSigned(id: string)

Returns the current unsigned normalized stress of the edge (float). 0 to +1 is compression, and 0 to -1 is tension.

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds()


string[] GetFoundationIds()

Returns a list of id strings for all currently active foundations (List)


string[] GetFoundationIdsSelected()

Returns a list of id strings for all foundations that are currently selected(List)

Return Type Comment
foundationIds string[] list of id strings for all foundations that are currently selected


string[] GetJointEdges(id: string)

Returns list of id strings representing all edges attached to this joint (List)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
Return Type Comment
edgeIds string[] list of id strings representing all edges attached to this joint


string[] GetJointIds()

Returns a list of id strings for all currently active joints (List)

Return Type Comment
jointIds string[] list of id strings for all currently active joints


string[] GetJointIdsSelected()

Returns a list of id strings for all joints that are currently selected(List)

Return Type Comment
jointIds string[] list of id strings for all joints that are currently selected


boolean GetJointIsAnchor(id: string)

Returns true if the joint is an anchor, returns false if it isn't

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
Return Type Comment
isAnchor boolean true if the joint is an anchor, returns false if it isn't


boolean GetJointIsPrebuilt(id: string)

Returns true if the edge is prebuilt, or false if it isn't

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
Return Type Comment
isPrebuilt boolean true if the edge is prebuilt, or false if it isn't


boolean GetJointIsSplit(id: string)

Returns true if the joint is a split joint, returns false if it isn't

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
Return Type Comment
isSplit boolean true if the joint is a split joint, returns false if it isn't


boolean GetJointIsUnbuildable(id: string)

Returns true if the joint is unbuildable

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
Return Type Comment
isUnbuildable boolean true if the joint is unbuildable


Vec3 GetJointPosition(id: string)

Returns the current game world position of the joint as a float list of length 3 (corresponding to x, y, and z position)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
Return Type Comment
jointPosition Vec3 the current game world position of the joint as a float list of length 3


string GetOverrideEdgeColor(id: string)

Returns the override color string of this edge, returns empty string if uncolored

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds


string GetPermanentEdgeColor(id: string)

Returns the permanent color string of this edge, returns empty string if uncolored

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds()
Return Type Comment
overrideColor string the permanent color string of this edge, returns empty string if uncolored


nil IgnoreEdgePlacementRestrictions(value: boolean)

Argument Type Comment
value boolean determines if edge placement restrictions are ignored or not.


string PlaceEdgeJointToJoint(materialName: string, jointIdA: string, jointIdB: string)

Attempts to place an edge between two joints, respecting all placement restrictions to only place edges legally. Can only be used in BUILD or SANDBOX modes. Returns “SUCCESS” on success, or an error message on failure.

Argument Type Comment
materialName string is the name of the desired material.
jointIdA string is the id of the start joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
jointIdB string is the id of the end joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
Return Type Comment
success string “SUCCESS” on success, or an error message on failure.


string PlaceEdgeJointToJointCheat(materialName: string, jointIdA: string, jointIdB: string)

Argument Type Comment
materialName string is the name of the desired material.
jointIdA string is the id of the start joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
jointIdB string is the id of the end joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
Return Type Comment
success string “SUCCESS” on success, or an error message on failure.


string PlaceEdgeJointToPos(materialName: string, jointIdA: string, posB: Vec3)

Attempts to place an edge starting at the given joint and ending at the given position, respecting all placement restrictions to only place edges legally. Can only be used in BUILD or SANDBOX modes. Returns “SUCCESS” on success, or an error message on failure.

Argument Type Comment
materialName string is the name of the desired material.
jointIdA string is the id of the start joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds.
posB Vec3 is the end position of the edge.
Return Type Comment
success string “SUCCESS” on success, or an error message on failure.


string PlaceEdgeJointToPosCheat(materialName: string, jointIdA: string, posB: Vec3)

Argument Type Comment
materialName string is the name of the desired material.
jointIdA string is the id of the start joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
posB Vec3 is the end position of the edge.
Return Type Comment
success string “SUCCESS” on success, or an error message on failure.


string PlaceEdgePosToPos(materialName: string, posA: Vec3, posB: Vec3)

Attempts to place an edge starting at posA and ending at posB, respecting all placement restrictions to only place edges legally. Can only be used in BUILD or SANDBOX modes. Returns “SUCCESS” on success, or an error message on failure.

Argument Type Comment
materialName string is the name of the desired material.
posA Vec3 is the start position of the edge. This MUST be near enough to an existing joint so that edge placement can begin at that joint.
posB Vec3 is the end position of the edge.
Return Type Comment
success string “SUCCESS” on success, or an error message on failure.


string PlaceEdgePosToPosCheat(materialName: string, posA: Vec3, posB: Vec3)

Argument Type Comment
materialName string is the name of the desired material.
posA Vec3 is the start position of the edge. If there is no nearby joint, a joint will be created as the start joint.
posB Vec3 is the end position of the edge.
Return Type Comment
success string “SUCCESS” on success, or an error message on failure.


nil SetJointIsSplit(id: string, isSplit: boolean)

Sets joint split state. NOTE: joints can only be split in Build mode on levels with hydraulic phases

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
isSplit boolean determines if the joint is split or not


nil SetJointLegalPosition(id: string, targetPosition: Vec3)

Attempts to set a joint’s position to the target position, following all normal joint movement restrictions

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
targetPosition Vec3 is the position to move the joint to


nil SetJointPosition(id: string, position: Vec3)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the joint, usually obtained from GetJointIds
position Vec3 is the desired position of the joint


nil SetOverrideEdgeColor(id: string, overrideColor: string)

Set the color of this edge, overriding the normal texture and stress color visualization

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds
overrideColor string is the color to set the edge. Format: #RRGGBBAA


nil SetPermanentEdgeColor(id: string, overrideColor: string)

Set the color of this edge, overriding the normal texture and stress color visualization. This color will persist when switching between build mode and sim mode, as well as persist through save/load. Note that SetOverrideEdgeColor takes priority over the permanent color if it is used.

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the edge, usually obtained from GetBridgeEdgeIds()
overrideColor string is the color to set the edge. Format: #RRGGBBAA

Camera functions


number GetCameraFOV()

returns the Field Of View value of the camera (float)

Return Type Comment
fov number the Field Of View value of the camera


boolean GetCameraOrthographic()

Returns true if the camera is set to Orthographic, otherwise returns false

Return Type Comment
isOrthographic boolean true if the camera is set to Orthographic, otherwise returns false


number GetCameraOrthographicSize()

Returns the Orthographic Size value of the camera (float)

Return Type Comment
size number the Orthographic Size value of the camera


Vec3 GetCameraPosition()

Returns the current game world position of the camera as a float list of length 3 (corresponding to x, y, and z position)

Return Type Comment
position Vec3 the current game world position of the camera as a float list of length 3


Vec3 GetCameraRotation()

Returns the current game world rotation of the camera as a float list of length 3 (corresponding to x, y, and z euler angles)

Return Type Comment
rotation Vec3 the current game world rotation of the camera as a float list of length 3


nil SetCameraFOV(value: number)

Sets the Field Of View value of the camera to the desired value

Argument Type Comment
value number is the desired Field Of View value of the camera


nil SetCameraLookAtObject(objectId: string)

Sets the camera's rotation so that it looks at the desired object, note this will only work correctly if Orthographic is set to false

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the id of the vehicle, edge, or joint to look at


nil SetCameraOrthographic(value: boolean)

Sets the Orthographic setting of the camera to the desired value

Argument Type Comment
value boolean is the desired Orthographic state


nil SetCameraOrthographicSize(value: number)

Sets the Orthographic Size value of the camera to the desired value

Argument Type Comment
value number is the desired Orthographic Size value of the camera


nil SetCameraPosition(position: Vec3)

Sets the current game world position of the camera

Argument Type Comment
position Vec3 is the desired position of the camera (corresponding to x, y, and z position)


nil SetCameraRotation(rotation: Vec3)

Sets the current game world rotation of the camera

Argument Type Comment
rotation Vec3 is the desired rotation of the camera (corresponding to x, y, and z euler angles)

Debug functions



-- OnModLoad.lua:
AddDebugConsoleCommand("set_material_cost", "usage: set_material_cost <material_name> <cost_value>", 2)
-- ConsoleCommands.lua:
function set_material_cost(args)
  materialName = args[1]
  costValue = tonumber(args[2])
  SetMaterialCost(materialName, costValue)

nil AddDebugConsoleCommand(commandName: string, helpText: string, numParameters: integer)

Adds a console command that calls a named function from ConsoleCommands.lua

Argument Type Comment
commandName string is the name of the command the user will type into the debug console
helpText string is the help text string the user will see when they type “help” in the debug console
numParameters integer is the number of parameters the command requires (use 0 to make app parameters optional and use varargs (...) in the command function)


nil EnableDebugConsole()

Unlocks the debug console, allowing it to be opened using the ~ key


nil EnableLevelNavArrows()

Enables buttons in the top bar for navigation forward and backwards through campaign levels.


nil ShowLevelID()

Shows the current level ID in the level info panel

Game State functions


boolean EndLevelFail(failReasonText: string)

If you are in sim mode and the simulation has started, immediately end the simulation and go to level failed screen, showing failReason text. returns true if successful.

Argument Type Comment
failReasonText string Message to show in the fail panel


boolean EndLevelSuccess()


string GetCurrentLevelID()

Returns the current level ID (string)

Return Type Comment
levelID string the current level ID


number GetDefaultSimSpeed()

Returns the default normalized sim speed (float)

Return Type Comment
simSpeed number the default normalized sim speed


number GetSimSpeed()

Returns the current normalized sim speed (float)

Return Type Comment
simSpeed number the current normalized sim speed


boolean IsSimulating()

Returns true if you are in sim mode and the simulation has started, otherwise returns false.


boolean IsSimulatingWithoutPassOrFail()

Returns true or false based on if the game is currently simulating but pass/fail has yet to be determined


nil SetSimSpeed(speed: number)

Sets the current sim speed to the desired value, note that the desired value must be a valid sim speed in the current sim speed list. Default valid sim speeds are {0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5}

Argument Type Comment
speed number is the desired normalized sim speed


boolean SimulationEnd()

Ends simulation if you are in sim mode and the simulation has started. returns true if successful.


boolean SimulationPause()

Pauses simulation if you are in sim mode and the simulation has started. returns true if successful.


boolean SimulationStart()

Starts simulation if you are in build mode, or resumes simulating if you are in a paused simulation. returns true if successful.


boolean SimulationTogglePause()

Toggles pause state of simulation if you are in sim mode and the simulation has started. returns true if successful.


boolean SimulationUnpause()

Unpauses simulation if you are in sim mode and the simulation has started. returns true if successful.

Generic functions


nil GetVehiclePhysicsVelocity(undefined)


nil OpenLevel(undefined)


nil OpenWorkshopLevel(undefined)


nil SetRoadEdgeTint(undefined)


nil SetVehiclePhysicsVelocity(undefined)


nil SetVehiclePosition(undefined)


nil SetVehicleRotation(undefined)


nil SetVehicleSpeed(undefined)

Language functions


nil AddLanguageCSV(filename: string)

Add a translation for the game UI. A template for this file can be created on the Workshop -> Created panel.

Argument Type Comment
filename string The name of the csv file located in the same directory as the lua script.

Material functions


string GetHydraulicsBaseTint()

Returns the tint color string for hydraulics base texture

Return Type Comment
tintColor string The tint color string for hydraulics base texture


number GetMaterialCost(materialName: string)

Returns the cost per meter of the given material

Argument Type Comment
materialName string must match one of the material names above.
Return Type Comment
cost number The cost per meter of the given material


number GetMaterialMaxLength(materialName: string)

Returns the max length of the given material

Argument Type Comment
materialName string must match one of the material names above.
Return Type Comment
cost number The max length of the given material


number GetMaterialStrength(materialName: string)

Returns the strength of the given material

Argument Type Comment
materialName string must match one of the material names above.
Return Type Comment
strength number The strength of the given material


string GetMaterialTint(materialName: string)

Returns the tint color string for this material

Argument Type Comment
materialName string The name of the material to permanently tint, see appendix for valid material names
Return Type Comment
tintColor string The tint color string for this material


string GetRoadEdgeTint()

Returns the tint color string for road edge texture

Return Type Comment
tintColor string The tint color string for road edge texture


nil SetHydraulicsBaseTint(tintColor: string)

Permanently tints the texture of the base of the hydraulic. Note that the extending/contracting part of the hydraulic can be tinted using SetMaterialTint()

Argument Type Comment
tintColor string The color to tint the material. Format: #RRGGBBAA


nil SetMaterialCost(materialName: string, value: number)

Argument Type Comment
materialName string must match one of the material names in the Appendix.
value number can be any decimal value.


nil SetMaterialMaxLength(materialName: string, value: number)

Argument Type Comment
materialName string must match one of the material names in the Appendix.
value number can be any decimal value.


nil SetMaterialStrength(materialName: string, value: number)

Argument Type Comment
materialName string must match one of the material names in the Appendix.
value number can be any decimal value.


nil SetMaterialTint(materialName: string, tintColor: string)

Permanently tints the texture of the given material. Note that Hydraulics and Roads use a secondary texture, which can be tinted using SetHydraulicsBaseTint and SetRoadEdgeTint respectively

Argument Type Comment
materialName string The name of the material to permanently tint, see appendix for valid material names
tintColor string The color to tint the material. Format: #RRGGBBAA

Sandbox functions


nil AddCustomShape(folderName: string)

Add custom shape(s) to be used in sandbox

Argument Type Comment
folderName string The name of directory containing the custom shape(s)


nil AddCustomShapeTexture(filename: string, textureName: string, id: string)

Adds a texture to be used in custom shapes in sandbox

Argument Type Comment
filename string The name of the png file located in the same directory as the lua script.
textureName string The name that will appear in the dropdown when selecting custom shape textures.
id string ID for this texture. If you have multiple textures in your mod, they must have unique id values. If you edit your mod after uploading, do not change this id value.


nil DisableRandomVehicleSpawn()

Disables the random vehicle spawning that occurs when a new Sandbox is created

Screen UI functions


nil CreateButtonObject(buttonId: string, callback: string, width: integer, height: integer)

Creates a new button object NOTE: Please make your callback function name as unique as possible. If multiple callbacks across different mods share the same name, the one loaded last will overwrite the others.

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object, used to update it later
callback string is the name of the LUA function this button will execute when pressed
width integer is the width of the button
height integer is the height of the button


nil CreateSpriteObject(spriteId: string, imagePath: string, width: integer, height: integer)

Creates a new sprite object

Argument Type Comment
spriteId string is the name of the sprite object, used to update it later
imagePath string is the local path of the image file to use for this sprite object
width integer is the width of the sprite object
height integer is the height of the sprite object


nil CreateTextObject(objectId: string, width: integer, height: integer)

Creates a new text object

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object, used to update it later
width integer is the width of the text field, used for pivot points and to determine when longer text will wrap
height integer is the height of the text field, used for pivot points


nil DestroyButtonObject(buttonId: string)

Destroys a button by id

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object


nil DestroySpriteObject(spriteId: string)

Destroys a sprite object

Argument Type Comment
spriteId string is the name of the sprite object


nil DestroyTextObject(objectId: string)

Destroys a previously created text object with the given id

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object


nil UpdateButtonAddHoverScale(buttonId: string)

Adds a scale-up effect when the button is hovered

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object


nil UpdateButtonCallback(buttonId: string, callback: string)

Sets the button callback to a named global function name NOTE: Please make your callback function name as unique as possible. If multiple callbacks across different mods share the same name, the one loaded last will overwrite the others.

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object
callback string is the name of the LUA function this button will execute when pressed


nil UpdateButtonColor(buttonId: string, normalColorStr: string, hoverColorStr: string)

Sets the background color of a button

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object
normalColorStr string is the new color value for the color of the button when not being hovered, using format: #RRGGBBAA
hoverColorStr string is the new color value for the color of the button when it is being hovered, using format: #RRGGBBAA


nil UpdateButtonImage(buttonId: string, imagePath: string)

Sets the image of a button

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object
imagePath string is the local path of the image file to use for the sprite of this button


nil UpdateButtonPivot(buttonId: string, xPivot: number, yPivot: number)

sets the pivot point of a button

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object
xPivot number is the x-axis of the button’s pivot point, 0 being the left side and 1 being the right side
yPivot number is the y-axis of the button’s pivot point, 0 being the bottom and 1 being the top


nil UpdateButtonScreenPos(buttonId: string, xScreenPos: number, yScreenPos: number)

Sets the screen position of a button

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object
xScreenPos number is the x-axis screen position, 0 being the left side and 1 being the right side
yScreenPos number is the y-axis screen position, 0 being the bottom and 1 being the top


nil UpdateButtonSetInteractable(buttonId: string, interactable: boolean)

Enables or disables a button

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object
interactable boolean determines if the button can be clicked or not


nil UpdateButtonSetOutlineActive(buttonId: string, outlineActive: boolean)

Enables the outline of a button

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object
outlineActive boolean determines if the outline is active or not


nil UpdateButtonText(buttonId: string, buttonText: string)

Sets the text of a button

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object
buttonText string is the display text on the button object


nil UpdateButtonTextColor(buttonId: string, colorStr: string)

Sets the text color of a button

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object
colorStr string is the new color value for the display text of the button, using format: #RRGGBBAA


nil UpdateButtonTooltipText(buttonId: string, tooltipText: string)

Sets the hover tooltip of a button

Argument Type Comment
buttonId string is the name of the button object
tooltipText string is the display text of the tooltip when hovering the button


nil UpdateSpriteColor(spriteId: string, colorString: string)

Sets the color filter of a sprite object. For example a 1x1 solid white image with a 50% transparent red color (#FF000080) will draw a 50% transparent red sprite.

Argument Type Comment
spriteId string is the name of the sprite object
colorString string is the new color value for the sprite, using format: #RRGGBBAA


nil UpdateSpriteImage(spriteId: string, imagePath: string)

Sets the image of a sprite object

Argument Type Comment
spriteId string is the name of the sprite object
imagePath string is the local path of the image file to use for this sprite object


nil UpdateSpritePivot(spriteId: string, xPivot: number, yPivot: number)

Sets the pivot point of a sprite object

Argument Type Comment
spriteId string is the name of the sprite object
xPivot number is the x-axis of the sprite’s pivot point, 0 being the left side and 1 being the right side
yPivot number is the y-axis of the sprite’s pivot point, 0 being the bottom and 1 being the top


nil UpdateSpriteScreenPos(spriteId: string, xScreenPos: number, yScreenPos: number)

Sets the screen position of a sprite object

Argument Type Comment
spriteId string is the name of the sprite object
xScreenPos number is the x-axis screen position, 0 being the left side and 1 being the right side
yScreenPos number is the y-axis screen position, 0 being the bottom and 1 being the top


nil UpdateTextAlignment(objectId: string, horizontalAlign: string, verticalAlign: string)

Sets the alignment of a text object

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object used when calling CreateTextObject
horizontalAlign string is the horizontal text alignment, acceptable values are: “Left”, “Center”, “Right”, and “Justified”
verticalAlign string is the vertical text alignment, acceptable values are: “Top”, “Middle”, and “Bottom”


nil UpdateTextColor(objectId: string, colorString: string)

Sets the color of a text object

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object used when calling CreateTextObject
colorString string is the new color value for the text field, using format: #RRGGBBAA


nil UpdateTextFontSize(objectId: string, fontSize: integer)

Sets the font size of a text object

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object used when calling CreateTextObject
fontSize integer is the new font size value for the text field


nil UpdateTextMaxWidth(objectId: string, maxWidth: integer)

Sets the maximum width of a text object

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object used when calling CreateTextObject
maxWidth integer is the max width value for the text field to start wrapping


nil UpdateTextPivot(objectId: string, xPivot: number, yPivot: number)

Sets the pivot point of a text object

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object used when calling CreateTextObject
xPivot number is the x-axis of the text field’s pivot point, 0 being the left side and 1 being the right side
yPivot number is the y-axis of the text field’s pivot point, 0 being the bottom and 1 being the top


nil UpdateTextScreenPos(objectId: string, xScreenPos: number, yScreenPos: number)

Sets the screen position of a text object

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object used when calling CreateTextObject
xScreenPos number is the x-axis screen position, 0 being the left side and 1 being the right side
yScreenPos number is the y-axis screen position, 0 being the bottom and 1 being the top


nil UpdateTextSetBackgroundActive(objectId: string, bgActive: boolean)

Enables the background of a text object NOTE: the background auto-scales to the display size of the text, which will prevent the text pivot and alignment from working as expected

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object
bgActive boolean determines if the background is active or not.


nil UpdateTextSetBackgroundColor(objectId: string, bgColorString: string, outlineColorString: string)

Sets the background color of a text object

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object
bgColorString string is the new color value for the overall background, using format: #RRGGBBAA
outlineColorString string is the new color value for the outline around the background, using format: #RRGGBBAA


nil UpdateTextString(objectId: string, textString: string)

Sets the text in a text object

Argument Type Comment
objectId string is the name of the text object used when calling CreateTextObject
textString string is the string that will appear in the text field

Theme functions



SetThemeSky("rocks", "#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF", "0.5")

nil SetThemeSky(themeName: string, topColor: string, midColor: string, botColor: string, offset: number)

Sets the sky color in different level themes

Argument Type Comment
themeName string name of the theme to be modified. Currently one of: Alpine, Rocks, HighDesert, SkyCreeper
topColor string Color of top portion of sky using format: #RRGGBBAA
midColor string Color of top portion of sky using format: #RRGGBBAA
botColor string Color of top portion of sky using format: #RRGGBBAA
offset number Value between 0 and 1 that controls how colors blend. 0: blend between top and mid colors, 0.5: ⅓ top, ⅓ mid, ⅓ bot, 1: blend between mid and bot colors

UGC functions


nil AddAssetBoat(iconFilename: string, boatName: string, prefabAddress: string, mass: number)

Loads a z-axis boat asset from an addressable prefab to be used in sandbox and workshop. See the UGC Pipeline section of the documentation for more info.

Argument Type Comment
iconFilename string is the name of the png file located in the same directory as the lua script, representing the icon that will appear in the dropdown to select this item.
boatName string is the name that will appear in game.
prefabAddress string is the address of the prefab object defined in the Mod Creation project.
mass number is the default mass of the object, used to sort UGC assets.


nil AddAssetDecor(iconFilename: string, decorName: string, prefabAddress: string)

Loads a decor asset from an addressable prefab to be used in sandbox and workshop. See the UGC Pipeline section of the documentation for more info.

Argument Type Comment
iconFilename string The name of the png file located in the same directory as the lua script, representing the icon that will appear in the dropdown to select this decor item.
decorName string The name that will appear in the decor dropdown.
prefabAddress string The address of the prefab object defined in the Mod Creation project. See the UGC Pipeline section for more info.


nil AddAssetPlane(iconFilename: string, planeName: string, prefabAddress: string, mass: number)

Loads a z-axis plane asset from an addressable prefab to be used in sandbox and workshop. See the UGC Pipeline section of the documentation for more info.

Argument Type Comment
iconFilename string is the name of the png file located in the same directory as the lua script, representing the icon that will appear in the dropdown to select this item.
planeName string is the name that will appear in game.
prefabAddress string is the address of the prefab object defined in the Mod Creation project.
mass number is the default mass of the object, used to sort UGC assets.


nil AddAssetVehicle(iconFilename: string, vehicleName: string, prefabAddress: string, mass: number)

Loads a vehicle asset from an addressable prefab to be used in sandbox and workshop. See the UGC Pipeline section of the documentation for more info.

Argument Type Comment
iconFilename string is the name of the png file located in the same directory as the lua script, representing the icon that will appear in the dropdown to select this vehicle.
vehicleName string is the name that will appear in the vehicle dropdown.
prefabAddress string is the address of the prefab object defined in the Mod Creation project.
mass number is the default mass of the object, used to sort UGC assets.

UI functions


boolean IsMenuOpen()

Returns true if any menu is open, otherwise returns false

Return Type Comment
isOpen boolean true if any menu (modal) is open, otherwise returns false


boolean IsStressVisibilityEnabled()

Returns true if stress visibility is enabled, otherwise returns false

Return Type Comment
isEnabled boolean true if stress visibility is enabled, otherwise returns false


nil SetDefaultSimSpeed(speed: integer)

Sets the default sim speed from the available speeds. If speed does not exist in list of simulation speeds, then value is ignored

Argument Type Comment
speed integer Default simulation speed


nil SetSimSpeeds(speeds: integer[])

Sets the available simulation speeds to use in game as table of integers where 1000=1.0x. Default: {100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000}

Argument Type Comment
speeds integer[] Simulation speeds to use in game


nil ShowMessage(text: string)

Shows an information popup message in the center of the screen with an OK button

Argument Type Comment
text string is the text to show in a popup

Utils functions


nil ConsoleLog(message: string)

Log a message to the consoles

Argument Type Comment
message string will be printed to the Unity Editor console


number GetFrameCount()

Returns the total number of frames since the start of the game (int)

Return Type Comment
frames number the total number of frames since the start of the game


string GetGameState()

Returns the current game state (string). Valid values include: MAIN_MENU, BUILD, SANDBOX, SIM.

Return Type Comment
state string the current game state (string). (MAIN_MENU, BUILD, SANDBOX, SIM)


number GetGameTime()

Returns the time in seconds since the start of the game (float)


boolean GetKeycodeDown(keycodeNumber: integer)

Returns true if the key is currently held down, otherwise returns false

Argument Type Comment
keycodeNumber integer is the integer value of the desired key, like 112 for "P" or 303 for "RightShift". Full list can be found here:


boolean GetKeycodeJustPressed(keycodeNumber: integer)

Returns true if the key was just pressed this frame, otherwise returns false

Argument Type Comment
keycodeNumber integer is the integer value of the desired key, like 112 for "P" or 303 for "RightShift". Full list can be found here:


boolean GetKeyDown(keycodeString: string)

Returns true if the key is currently held down, otherwise returns false

Argument Type Comment
keycodeString string is the name of the desired key, like "P" or "RightShift". Full list can be found here:


boolean GetKeyJustPressed(keycodeString: string)

Returns true if the key was just pressed this frame, otherwise returns false

Argument Type Comment
keycodeString string is the name of the desired key, like "P" or "RightShift". Full list can be found here:


boolean GetMouseButtonDown(mouseButton: integer)

Returns true if the button is currently held down, otherwise returns false

Argument Type Comment
mouseButton integer is the value of the desired mouse button: 0 is the primary button, 1 is the secondary button, and 2 is the middle button


boolean GetMouseButtonJustPressed(mouseButton: integer)

Returns true if the button was just pressed this frame, otherwise returns false

Argument Type Comment
mouseButton integer is the value of the desired mouse button: 0 is the primary button, 1 is the secondary button, and 2 is the middle button


Vec2 GetMousePosition()

Returns the current x,y position of the mouse in pixels (List)


Vec2 GetMouseScreenPosition()

Returns the current x,y position of the mouse normalized to screen position, where 0,0 is the bottom left and 1,1 is the top right (List)


Vec3 GetMouseWorldPosition()

Returns the world position of the mouse (List)


string GetNameOfKeyDownThisFrame()

Returns the name (string) of the first detected key pressed this frame


Vec2 GetScreenResolution()

Returns the current screen resolution as a float list of length 2 (corresponding to width and height) (List)


number GetUnscaledDeltaTime()

Returns the interval in seconds from the last frame to the current one (float)

Return Type Comment
interval number the interval in seconds from the last frame to the current one


number GetVar_Float(varName: string)

Returns the value of the variable (float)

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the float variable previously set using SetVar_Float


number[] GetVar_FloatList(varName: string)

Returns the value of the variable (List)

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the float list variable previously set using SetVar_FloatList


integer GetVar_Int(varName: string)

Returns the value of the variable (int)

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the integer variable previously set using SetVar_Int


integer[] GetVar_IntList(varName: string)

Returns the value of the variable (List)

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the integer list variable previously set using SetVar_IntList


string GetVar_String(varName: string)

Returns the value of the variable (string)

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the string variable previously set using SetVar_String


string[] GetVar_StringList(varName: string)

Returns the value of the variable (List)

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the string list variable previously set using SetVar_StringList


nil RunLuaDelayed(luaString: string, delaySeconds: number)

Evaluates and runs the given lua string after a delay NOTE: the given lua string must be formatted exactly as it would be written in a lua script, so you may need to use escape characters.

Argument Type Comment
luaString string is the lua string to be executed
delaySeconds number is the number of seconds to wait before executing the string


nil SetGameInputActive(isActive: boolean)

Enables or disables normal game input completely

Argument Type Comment
isActive boolean determines if normal game input is active or not


nil SetIgnoreGameInputKey(keycodeString: string)

After being set, holding down this key will cause normal game input to be ignored

Argument Type Comment
keycodeString string is the name of the desired key, like "P" or "RightShift". Full list can be found here:


nil SetIgnoreGameInputKeycode(keycodeNumber: integer)

After being set, holding down this key will cause normal game input to be ignored

Argument Type Comment
keycodeNumber integer is the integer value of the desired key, like 112 for "P" or 303 for "RightShift". Full list can be found here:


nil SetVar_Float(varName: string, floatValue: number)

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the float variable
floatValue number is the value of the variable


nil SetVar_FloatList(varName: string, listValue: number[])

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the float list variable
listValue number[] is the value of the variable


nil SetVar_Int(varName: string, intValue: integer)

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the integer variable
intValue integer is the value of the variable


nil SetVar_IntList(varName: string, listValue: integer[])

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the integer list variable
listValue integer[] is the value of the variable


nil SetVar_String(varName: string, stringValue: string)

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the string variable
stringValue string is the value of the variable


nil SetVar_StringList(varName: string, listValue: string[])

Argument Type Comment
varName string is the name of the string list variable
listValue string[] is the value of the variable


Vec3 WorldToScreenPos(worldPos: Vec3)

Returns the screen position as a float list of length 3 (corresponding to x, y, and z position) representing the position on screen (List)

Argument Type Comment
worldPos Vec3 is a float list of length 3 (corresponding to x, y, and z position) representing the game world position
Return Type Comment
screenPos Vec3 the screen position as a float list of length 3

Vehicle functions


nil AddVehicleSkin(vehicleAddressableName: string, filename: string, displayName: string, flagColor: string, id: string)

Adds a skin for a vanilla vehicle

Argument Type Comment
vehicleAddressableName string Unique name that is used to identify the vehicle type. See Vehicle Addressable Names table in Appendix for list of all vehicle addressable names.
filename string is the name of the png file located in the same directory as the lua script.
displayName string is the name that will appear in the dropdown when selecting vehicle skins.
flagColor string Default color to use for flag and checkpoints. Format: #RRGGBBAA
id string is an id for this skin. If you have multiple textures in your mod, they must have unique id values. If you edit your mod after uploading, do not change this id value.


number GetVehicleAcceleration(id: string)

Returns the acceleration of the vehicle (float)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
Return Type Comment
acceleration number the acceleration of the vehicle


number GetVehicleBrakingForce(id: string)

Returns the braking force of the vehicle (float)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
Return Type Comment
brakingForce number the braking force of the vehicle


boolean GetVehicleFlippedDirection(id: string)

Returns true if the vehicle is flipped (facing left), otherwise returns false

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
Return Type Comment
isFlipped boolean true if the vehicle is flipped (facing left), otherwise returns false


string GetVehicleGameState(id: string)

Returns string representing vehicle game state: "REACHED_FLAG", "UNDERWATER", "DRIVING", "WAITING_START", "WAITING_CHECKPOINT", or "WAITING_BUILD_MODE"

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
Return Type Comment
state string string representing vehicle game state: "REACHED_FLAG", "UNDERWATER", "DRIVING", "WAITING_START", "WAITING_CHECKPOINT", or "WAITING_BUILD_MODE"


number GetVehicleHorsepower(id: string)

Returns the horsepower of the vehicle (float)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
Return Type Comment
horsepower number the horsepower of the vehicle


boolean GetVehicleIdleDownhill(id: string)

Returns true if the idle downhill setting is true on the vehicle, otherwise returns false

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
Return Type Comment
idleDownhill boolean true if the idle downhill setting is true on the vehicle, otherwise returns false


integer[] GetVehicleIds()

Returns a list of id strings for all currently active vehicles (List)

Return Type Comment
vehicleIds integer[] list of id strings for all currently active vehicles


number GetVehicleMass(id: string)

Returns the mass of the vehicle (float)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
Return Type Comment
mass number the mass of the vehicle


Vec3 GetVehiclePosition(id: string)

Returns the current game world position of the vehicle as a float list of length 3 (corresponding to x, y, and z position) (List)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()


Vec3 GetVehicleRotation(id: string)

Returns the current game world rotation of the vehicle as a float list of length 3 (corresponding to x, y, and z euler angles) (List)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
Return Type Comment
rotation Vec3 the current game world rotation of the vehicle as a float list of length 3


number GetVehicleSpeed(id: string)

Returns the current speed of the vehicle (float)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
Return Type Comment
speed number the current speed of the vehicle


number GetVehicleTargetSpeed(id: string)

Returns the target speed of the vehicle (float)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
Return Type Comment
targetSpeed number the target speed of the vehicle


nil SetVehicleAcceleration(id: string, value: number)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
value number is the desired acceleration of the vehicle


nil SetVehicleBrakingForce(id: string, value: number)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
value number is the desired braking force of the vehicle


nil SetVehicleFlippedDirection(id: string, value: boolean)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
value boolean is the desired flipped direction of the vehicle


nil SetVehicleHorsepower(id: string, value: number)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
value number is the desired horsepower of the vehicle


nil SetVehicleIdleDownhill(id: string, value: boolean)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
value boolean is the desired idle downhill setting of the vehicle


nil SetVehicleMass(id: string, value: number)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
value number is the desired mass of the vehicle


nil SetVehicleTargetSpeed(id: string, value: number)

Argument Type Comment
id string is the id of the vehicle, usually obtained from GetVehicleIds()
value number is the desired target speed of the vehicle

Workshop Campaign functions


nil WorkshopCampaignAddLevelToWorld(worldName: string, levelId: string)

Adds the given level to the given world.

Argument Type Comment
worldName string is the display name of the world.
levelId string is the steam workshop item id of the level, should be a long set of numbers.


nil WorkshopCampaignAddTutorialLevelToWorld(worldName: string, levelId: string)

Adds the given level to the given world, and puts a T in front of the name to indicate it is a tutorial.

Argument Type Comment
worldName string is the display name of the world.
levelId string is the steam workshop item id of the level, should be a long set of numbers.


nil WorkshopCampaignCreate(winMessage: string)

Creates a workshop campaign, must happen before WorkshopCampaignCreateWorld or WorkshopCampaignAddLevelToWorld.

Argument Type Comment
winMessage string is the message shown to the player when they beat all the levels in the campaign.


nil WorkshopCampaignCreateWorld(worldName: string, prefix: string, subtitle: string, worldDifficulty: integer)

Creates a world for a workshop campaign, must happen after WorkshopCampaignCreate

Argument Type Comment
worldName string is the display name of the world.
prefix string is the two or three character prefix that appears before the level name.
subtitle string is the world type, like Generic or Custom Shapes.
worldDifficulty integer is the difficulty rating of the world, from 1 to 5.


nil WorkshopCampaignSetWorldIcon(worldName: string, iconSpritePath: string, selectedIconSpritePath: string)

Sets the icon of the created world to the given sprites.

Argument Type Comment
worldName string is the display name of the world.
iconSpritePath string is the path to the sprite for this world when it is unselected.
selectedIconSpritePath string is the path to the sprite for this world when it is selected.


nil WorkshopCampaignSetWorldIconByPrefix(worldName: string, prefix: string)

Sets the icon of the created world to the icon from the normal campaign mode world that matches the prefix.

Argument Type Comment
worldName string is the display name of the world.
prefix string is the two or three character prefix that appears before the level name.


nil WorkshopCampaignSetWorldIconPosition(worldName: string, iconPositionX: number, iconPositionY: number)

Sets the position of the icon for the given world. Note that the X value is clamped between -125 and 125, and the Y value is clamped between -210 and 210.

Argument Type Comment
worldName string is the display name of the world.
iconPositionX number is the X position of the icon.
iconPositionY number is the Y position of the icon.